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post punk (51)

post punk music

Under Construction 🚧

Under Construction 1000 Mexicans

Seems like everywhere I go to in London there are works of some description either roads are being dug up or buildings being pulled down or being built, Even when I went for a stroll at lunchtime when I went into the office in London recently that was also marred by pathways closed due to some sort of digging going on. Sigh! It's like London is being overtaken by moles! For this post it's not so much to do with…

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Medicne, Art, Food

Well we recently headed up town to a very 'posh' venue as it was a birthday celebration we'd booked dinner at one of London's well known hotels/restaurants. To be honest we got it as a Groupon gig so it was quite a bit cheaper (more affordable) than if we'd just booked without. I had a little nosey around the area to see if there were some things we could do before the dinner at 5:30, although both of us have…

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And Also The Trees🌲

And Also The Trees

So, Spring creeps closer towards us, the dark evenings begin to draw out and small things like daffodils and crocuses start appearing where before there only appeared to be just mud, the Forsythia in our garden starts producing its wonderful little yellow flowers as well as other things such as apple and cherry blossom which start falling like confetti from the previous winter skeletons of the trees which have new found growth. Spring is springing forth and it is quite…

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Fear Of The Dark🎃

Fear Of The Dark

Well, I guess it's that time of year again and as ever it comes around quick, the clocks go back an hour, nights draw in, the weather cools and before we know it Halloween is upon us and Winter follows hot on its heels (mind you there was Halloween stuff in the shops getting ready for it way back in August, no doubt the Christmas stuff will be hitting the shelves as soon as Halloween and Fireworks Nights are over!🙄).

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What's So Funny About Peace, Love & Pub Rock?

Thomas A Becket Pub, Old Kent Road

What's so funny about peace love and understanding? The 'British Pathe' archive video showing one of the 'cheapest' places on a UK Monopoly Board 'The Old Kent Road' (bet it isn't so cheap nowadays!). the song accompanying the video above is performed by Brinsley Schwarz a pub rock band from the late 60's to mid 70's and the track and video always brings a bit of a tear to my eyes, please take a look at a slice of London…

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